Development program - The Leader Manager

The Leader Manager: Achieving Performance with Fulfillment (TLM) provides a framework and skills for a leader to enable the work unit to achieve Performance with Fulfillment—the combination of high performance and high satisfaction from meaningful work done well. Leaders learn to support their work units in terms of Five Practices, to provide what their people need.

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Key Learnings Are:

Understanding the Challenge What “Performance with Fulfillment” means and why it matters. How integrating leadership and management through the five practices is essential to creating performance with fulfillment.
Direction How a common understanding of the organization’s vision and strategy impacts engagement. How to ensure that direction is meaningful and motivational.
Goals How to gain support and commitment to goals. How to communicate goals in away that address both performance and fulfillment.
Feedback How to apply a simple feedback approach to individuals and the work unit as a group that addresses both performance and fulfillment. How to seek feedback and receive it to model the right behaviors.
RecognitionHow to discover what recognition employees really value. How to overcome the dilemmas of recognition. How to apply recognition to increase performance and satisfaction.
Support Explore the parameters of effective direct support—what it looks like, how it contributes to performance with fulfillment, and when it is required.. Learn and apply an approach for getting support and creating performance with fulfillment with other departments and functions.

The development program also includes a management survey. Read More

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