Development program - Creating Team Mastery

Creating Team Mastery (CTM) helps enhance a high-performance and fulfilling response to increasing challenges that teams face today. CTM helps teams look deeply at Self-Leadership (through connection with team goals, individuals are able to act proactively), Learning Effectiveness (able to learn through change), and Alignment (shared purpose, vision, values, and goals). Teams examine and improve their alignment through CTM, which in turn leads to increased capability to deal with rapidly changing environments.

Suhtlusstiilid mudel

Key Learnings Are:

Team Profile How to assess current team functioning in terms of ten key scales of team effectiveness.
Team Purpose How to answer, as a team, the questions “What is my purpose?” “What value do we deliver?” and “What is our purpose?”
Team Values How values have a powerful effect on team operations and consistency. What the real values are of this team and the individuals on the team.
Team Vision How vision inspires commitment to reach a common, uniting goal. What the team vision is for this team, and what goals are a priority.
Team Talents How individuals bring their own strengths, talents, and motivations to the team. How individual talents can be leveraged to enhance effectiveness.
Commitment to Outcomes How the team will follow up on goals and plans made. How the Team Map can hold the team to its purpose and serve as a benchmark. How to secure commitment over time.

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