Development program - Counselor Salesperson

The Counselor Salesperson (CSP) is built around a 4-step consultative selling process that helps salespeople transition from simply making transactions to solving real business problems. Participants discover that having a different attitude, or a Counselor Mindset, is the first step toward building long-term, win-win customer relationships.

Suhtlusstiilid mudel

Key Learnings Are:

Counselor Mindset How to understand the selling process as a function of the buying process and learning how to see the role of the salesperson as a consultant or counselor.
Relating How to build trust at the beginning of a consultative relationship. How to establish credibility, express empathy and come to agreement on the purpose, process and payoff of the relationship.
Discovering How to understand the buyer’s needs by asking appropriate fact and feeling finding questions and learning how to listen and organize information and learning to get the buyer’s agreement on the true nature of the problem.
Advocating How to develop and present solutions that clearly address and solve the customer’s business problems. How to bring out concerns, resolve objections and agree on next steps.
Supporting How to reinforce and support the customer’s decision to buy. How to avoid and resolve dissatisfaction. And how to ask for new business and referrals.

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